Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The first day of the rest of our life. 7/5/2010

On July 5th, I get a facebook message that says "whats up stranger? hope you are doing well". Its a face from the past that I had not seen in a few years. After several days of messaging back and forth, I invite this old friend to my house to hang out. So here comes this red truck up my driveway, and this guy with cow crap on his pants gets out. He "couldn't stay long because he has to milk cows in the morning." I had no idea that that evening would end up changing my life forever. I knew Jason was funny and a ball to be around but I figured he would just be another great guy friend to add to the mix. I dont remenber how long he stayed that night, but it was long enough for us to know we had a connection. We went out the next night and the rest is history. Jason is my knight is dirty pants, and I thank God (and facebook) for bring him in our lives.

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